The ‘sex is dirty’ mindset.

If you have been brought up to think that sex is dirty and were not presented with the model of sex being a wonderful blessing within marriage,  you may need to get some help.

For some people who held views of sex being bad or dirty, have a difficult time suddenly thinking it is good and God honouring when they do get married.  These lies can ruin intimacy in marriage.  Get godly council.  Educate yourself. Read your Bible.  Read christian sex books.  Repent of believing lies and replace the lies the enemy would use to cause division in your marriage.


Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name.  I confess my sin of believing the lie that sex is dirty and bad.    I forgive those who have contributed to my forming this wrong belief.    I ask you Lord to forgive me for receiving this lie and living my life based on it.   I receive your forgiveness.  On the basis of your forgiveness Lord, I choose to forgive myself for believing this lie.  I renounce and break my agreement with the lie that sex is dirty and bad.  I cancel my agreement with the kingdom of darkness.  I choose to accept, believe and receive the truth that you made sex very good.  That you designed it to bless marriage.  That sex is right and pure within the marriage covenant.   


(prayer is adapted from Restoring the Foundations’ Ministry Card.)